Mistakes of Salaah ( 31-40 of 40)
Commmon Mistakes in Salaat (part:4) |
31 –34. Carelessness in reciting Al-Faatihah and with proper
pronunciation such as saying
al-‘Aalimeeninstead of al-‘Aalameen, ahdinaainstead of
ihdinaa, an’amtuinstead of an’amta,
and so on. All of these and similar errors are the type of
linguistic errors that must be avoided
and no one who leads the salaat should commit them. Some may
contain impossible meanings such as when one pronounces the“t” (taa’)in“an’amta”
as“da” (daad) and thus the salaat would be spoiled.
35. Cracking the knuckles in salaah. This is from the
detested actions in the salaah and is thus forbidden. As far as cracking the
knuckles in general, Ibn Abi Shaibah narrates in a statement with good isnaad,
from Shu’bah Mawlaa ibn Abbaas as stating: I prayed next to Ibn Abbaas and I
cracked my knuckles so when I finished my salaah he said,“May you lose your mother!
You crack your knuckles while you are in salaah?” Forbiddance of cracking the knuckles
is transmitted in a marfoo’ hadeeth from Ali in the collection of Ibn Maajah,
however, it is weak (da’eef)and not sufficient in an of itself (ghairu
36. Intertwining the fingers (at-tashbeek) during and before
the salaah. This is also among the detestable matters. Ka’ab Ibn‘Ujrah
(radiallahu‘anhu) narrates:I heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi
wa sallam) saying: If one of you makes wudhoo then goes to the masjid for
salaah, let him not clasp his hands together for indeed he is in the salaah.Ahmed,
Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi. With some difference regarding its chain, AdDaarimi,
Al-Haakim and others transmit from Abu Hurairah in a marfoo’ hadeeth:“If one of
you makes wudhoo in his house then comes to the masjid, he is in salaah until
he returns. Therefore do not do not do like this –and he clasped his fingers
together.” There are other mutually supporting hadeeths on this matter
37. Putting forward someone to lead the salaah as imaam when
it is not his place to do so and there
are others more deserving present. This contradicts the intended purpose of
having an imaam (al-imaamah),whichistobeanexampletofollow(al-iqditaa’). It is
necessary that the imaam have understanding of the deen and is able to
correctly recite the Qur’aan according to the satatement of the Prophet
(sallallahu‘alaihi wa sallam): The imaam of a people should be the one who best
recites the Qur’aan…) Transmitted by Muslim from Abu Mas’ood Al-Ansaari
(radiallahu‘anhu). The scholars have ruled that one should not be put forward
as imaam whose recitation is not good, or who openly displays sinfulness, or
who has an undignified appearance, or who is an innovator, or who is corrupt or
like them. If however, such people are put forward, the salaah of the followers
is correct.
38. Improper recitation of the Qur’aan. This is an open
deficiency and the right of the Qur’aan is
that it be read correctly without aberration and that the Muslim strives to
improve and excel in its recitation. Allah ta'alaa states: Recite the Qur’aan
withtarteel[correct measured tone] andWhen we teach you the Qur’aan, follow its
recitation.Meaning, recitation as is proper according to the Arabic language,
with clarity and free from distortion. On this same line is the superiority of
the one who purifies his intention as is narrated by‘Kaisha (radiallahu‘anhaa) who
said: The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu‘alaihi wa sallam) said, “The one who
is proficient with the Qur’aan will be with the scribes (angels) honorable and
obedient. While the one who recites the Qur’aan haltingly and finds difficulty
(while striving to recite it properly) gets a double reward.”[matafaqun‘alaih]
39. Some men praying behind women in the Haram (The Grand
Masjid) of Makkah. Doing so there or
elsewhere is a detestable action in the salaah. It is from the sunnah that the
rows of the women are behind those of the men. The salaah of a man behind a
women may be a cause of him losing allkhushoo’ and a disturbance in the salaat
through his looking (at the woman) or otherwise. A man should therefore never
line up for salaah behind a woman. This is not detestable if due to necessity
such as not missing the ‘Eid salaah, or Salaatul-Jumu’ah, or the congregational
salaah and other similar situations (i.e. that make it impossible to join the
front rows with the men –Trans.). A group of scholars have stated:“The Haram of
Makkah is an exception.” Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz (may Allah preserve him) is
of this opinion.
40. Women coming to the masjid beautified or made-up and
perfumed. This is one of the open and witnessed evils that become apparent
during Ramadhan and outside it. The woman is coming out to worship her Master,
not to show off the beauty of her clothing! Perhaps men may see her and she
would then be sinful and she would suffer a loss of reward for her deed. The
Prophet (sallallahu‘alaihi wa sallam) stated:“Let not any woman who is scented attend
the‘Ishaa with us.”[Muslim] Imam Ahmed transmits along with Abu Dawood with an authentic
chain from Abu Hurairah (radiallahu‘anhu) that the Prophet (sallallahu‘alaihi
wa sallam) said: “Do not forbid the bondwomen of Allah from the houses of
Allah, and let them go out tafilaat.”The meaning of the word“tafilaat” is: Not
beautified with adornments or perfumed.